Sunday, 7 June 2015

Health: 4 Food That Boost Male Fertlity

Times are changing and this calls for us to be careful with the things we eat and drink especially as it can either help boost your fertility or destroy it. Here are four food that was compiled by Pulseng that can boost fertility in men. Gone are the days where its only the woman who has the problem, today many men are loosing their fertility.
Causes of male infertility include poor nutrition, smoking, environmental chemicals and poor detoxification processes by the body.
In order to prevent/ reduce this, it is essential to eat a diet high in antioxidants, here are the four foods to eat in order to boost your fertility.
1.      DARK CHOCOLATE- This is a rich source of the amino acid L-arginine which studies show can increase the volume of ejaculate and improve sperm count and motility. The darker the chocolate, the better, so, try the delicious bittersweet 85 per cent dark chocolate.

2.      WATER- This a very simple, cheap way to boost your sperm as semen is water based and
increasing liquid consumption can help increase the ejaculate and improve sperm production. Ensure it is only more water that you are consuming, as caffeine, a diuretic, and soft drinks may be linked with lowering sperm counts.

3.      WALNUTS- These are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and according to a study by the Society for the Study of Reproduction eating 2.5 oz or around 75g of walnuts (about a handful) daily is linked with increased sperm vitality, motility and morphology (the sperms size and shape). They are also a great way to add flavour and crunch to salads or as a nutritious mid afternoon snack to help manage blood sugar levels.

4.      TOMATOES-  These are one of the best food sources of the antioxidant lycopene which has been found to significantly improve motility (the sperms ability to swim), activity and structure of sperm.

1 comment:

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