Thursday, 9 April 2015

ISIS Stones Man to Death for Bestiality and Beheads Another

New images have surfaced online  by the Islamic State showing the jihadis savagely stoning a man to death after accusing him of bestiality (sexual intercourse between a person and an animal) and 'having a homosexual affair'.
The savage extremist group also published images of a man being beheaded in the Syrian desert.
According to the captions, the second man was a prisoner of war and had been caught fighting and spying on behalf of the Assad regime. 
Unusually the victims were not forced to wear orange jumpsuits of the sort frequently worn by ISIS prisoners before their death as a reference to prisoners in Guantanamo Bay.
The man was driven to what appears to be a hurriedly constructed fort, and then led out from a brown pick up truck. 
He was forced to wear a green blindfold for his execution.The prisoner is also seen kneeling down on the rubble-strewn ground near the concrete building.
Several ISIS jihadis, dressed in winter jackets and carrying AK47s, are shown standing menacingly in the background. All of the ISIS fighters have their faces covered with balaclavas or thick scarves.

With nowhere to escape, the victim can only wait as a senior ISIS fighter, who appears to be white, stands directly behind him.

The ISIS fighter yanks the man by his hoodie, causing the prisoner to completely crumple to the floor. His hands can be seen still handcuffed behind his back and a wedding ring sits on his finger.
Drawing a dagger from the sheath attached to his khaki combat trousers, the executioner bends down close to the prisoner.

In the final two photos, the victim can be seen screaming in agony and his legs thrashing in the air.
The murder shows the blood thirsty nature of Islamic State militants, who boast about their indiscriminate war crimes and love of capital punishment.

Images of the second murder show a man accused of 'having sex with animals' and 'having a homosexual affair' being led past a large crowd by an ISIS officer.

Forced to wear a scarf over his eyes, the man's hands are bound behind his back. The all-male crowd appears to include several young boys, watching the impending atrocity from the front.
A number of ISIS fighters stand guard, monitoring the crowd as the man is forced to stand alone in the arid field next to a freshly-prepared grave.
The final photos show the man being stoned to death by a dozen ISIS fighters. Large rocks are shown being hurled at the victim whilst the crowd watch on.

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