Israeli geologist claims that he has confirmed that there is actually a tomb that belonged to Jesus and his son in Jerusalem
Dr. Arye Shimron revealed this after conducting extensive chemical test which he says had a link with James Ossuary- a 1st century chalk box that some believe hold the bones of Jesus' brother –
to the long disputed ‘Jesus Family tomb’ in the city’s East Talpiot neighborhood.
The research
could have enormous ramifications as it suggests that Jesus was married,
fathered a child and that a physical resurrection did not actually take place.
Shimron’s work has renewed controversy over the Talpiot tomb, which was
discovered in 1980 and dates back to the Second Temple period and the time of
Jesus,The Jerusalem Post reported.
Bones were discovered inside ossuaries, including one that bore the inscription, ‘Jesus, son of Joseph'.
included the names Maria, Joseph, Mary, Yose, Matthew and most controversially,
‘Judah, son of Jesus’.
However, another writer claims that Jesus Christ was not a real person and is probably the result of a combination of stories about several different individuals.
Fitzgerald, a San Francisco based author, believes he has compiled compelling
evidence that proves Jesus did not exist.
He claims
there are no contemporary mentions of Jesus in historical accounts from the
time when he was supposed to have lived, yet other Jewish sect leaders from the
time do appear.
He also points to discrepancies in the early gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke, claiming these were written decades after the supposed time of Jesus. He insists the disciples of Jesus were also probably not real and their names only later attached to the gospels to lend them credence.
to MailOnline, he said:
'There is a paradox that Jesus
did all these amazing things and taught all these amazing things yet no one
heard of him outside his immediate cult for nearly 100 years.
'Or it means he didn't do all
these things at all.
'The first gospel of Christianity
appears to have been a literary allegory that were written decades after the
time they portray. I believe that Christianity started as one of the many
mystery faiths that appeared at the time where old Gods and old traditions were
'Christianity appears to have
been a Jewish mystery faith.
'By the time of Paul there appears to have been plenty of different "Lord's suppers" as he complains about the existence of other gospels and messiahs.
'It appears that early
Christianity managed to take the stories from these other faiths and
incorporate them into the story of Jesus.'
Mr Fitzgerald said: 'There is
nothing implausible to think that Jesus was a real person, but I just don't
think that he can have been a single person if he existed at all.
'We also have no mention of Jesus
in other historical texts from the time. There were certainly people writing
about Judea at the time like Philo of Alexandria.
'During this period there were
many other messiahs and wannabe messiahs who did far less exciting things than
Jesus, but all of them managed something Jesus did not - to make a dent on the
historical record.
'Two billion people believe all
these miracles happened yet there is no evidence they did.'
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