Tuesday, 19 August 2014

To Tithe or Not to Tithe

I remember when I was little, in my Catechism class in the Catholic Church, my catechist use to sing into our heads about how it’s important to tithe. He made us understand that paying our tithe is a
sacred privilege. He said it is a way of appreciating God for all the things he has done in order to expect more blessings from him. He also made us understand that 10% of what we earn must be given to God.
Being a grown woman now, I am always being reminded that paying my tithe is a MUST in order to receive heavenly blessings. Last Sunday, my pastor hammered on why we should pay our tithe.

I hear pastors say;

"...Paying your tithe shows that you love God"
 "...Paying your tithe redeems you from condemnation"
  "...Paying your tithe is an obligation"
  "...Paying your tithe shows you appreciate God"
  "...If you don't pay your tithe, you are robbing God "  "Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me" (Malachi 3:9). 

 All this talk of the repercussion you get in not paying your tithe, made me pay my tithe. I pay my tithe not because I understand why I should be living in the Old Testament, but because the fear men of God have put into me is too much. All the time I ask someone to explain to me why, I am being referred to Malachi 3; 8-10

    ''Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you? In tithes and offerings...'' 
I believe Jesus came to show us the way in the New Testament. If this is the truth, then why are we still living the Mosaic way?

I have heard pastors tell their member who is in need if he/she has paid their tithe. And if they dare say No, the conclusion will be that it is because they don't pay their tithe, that’s why they are in need. Now who am I paying to- to God or to the Pastor?

The main focus of tithing throughout the Old Testament was food!!! Food for the Levite, food for the stranger, food for the widow, food for the orphan.

Let’s think of it, since tithes and offerings are decreed in the Mosaic law, should not other aspects of the law be included in Christian practice? Still in this Mosaic law, it is forbidden for humans to eat swine, fish that lack fin and scales, rabbit, pig and all reptiles (Leviticus 11: 3-47) . The fat of any acceptable animal was also forbidden. How many Christians know these law existed then, not to talk of observing them? yet the only one we talk about is the one that concerns tithe. Also another one can be seen where it was stated in the Old testament, anyone that has a stubborn child will report the child to the elders and the punishment will be to stone the child to death. Why don't we observe this too? (Deuteronomy 28: 18-2)

              “...If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the
                  Voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they 
                  Discipline him, will not listen to them,  then his father and his mother 
                  Shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate
                  Of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, 
                 This son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton
                 And a drunkard.’  Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. 
                 So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear''

How well do Christians really know the bible, particularly, the Old Testament? Nowadays pastors live larger than life, you see their members suffering while they sit and enjoy.

Why can't I give my 10% to the less privilege, to the homeless people, to someone in desperate need of cash? A friend of mine once told me of how he was in a serious financial crisis and needed the help of his brother. His brother turned him down saying that the only money he has is his tithe money. A lot of Christians do this; they see their brother or sister dying and walk past them to go pay their tithe.

Old Testament studies tell us that tracing the "tithe" and how it was administered is "obscure." Yet many ministers quote two or three passages out of Leviticus, Exodus, or Malachi and tell us "tithing” and it should go to your local ‘church.’" Those of you who want to see for yourself rather just believing a preacher or a self-made pastor because he said so rather than believing the word of God, will discover the following:

  •  No tithe of any kind is found in the book of the covenant given by Moses which consist the Ten Commandments and various civil and religious requirements. Funds to provide for these activities came from free-will offerings. (Ex. Chapters 20-23, Ex. 34:22,29; 36:3,7)
  •  Deuteronomy Chapter 14:23 says in every third year the tithe of the produce was to be laid up for the Levite and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are within your gates, that they may eat and be satisfied. Please note we are talking about people not going hungry.
  • One of the purposes for the tithe was to provide for the Levites. The Levites received a smaller allotment of land than the other tribes. 
 Now I ask, why should I really pay my tithe? Someone please answer me with tangible reason.


Kliph Orie said...

Tithe. I can write a book on this...

Anonymous said...

That tithe issue is something I have been researching about myself. I think tithing of then is modern day taxes. I tried to research and see if Jesus was a tither but the only thing I saw was that he paid his taxes when he asked one of his disciples to get money from the mouth of a fish and pay taxes. It is a very complicated topic and many won’t agree but at the end of the day only God knows the truth cos even the most respected men of God that has lived on earth believes in tithing.

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